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ESdat to import analyze report
your environmental data
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About EScIS

The ESdat software is produced by EarthScience Information Systems (EScIS).

EarthScience Information Systems has been operating since 2003 and specialize in the provision of groundwater and environmental data management systems and related services.

EarthScience Information Systems have provided data management solutions for world leading consulting, industrial, government and mining organizations and have developed the ESdat software as a solution that can scale from localized usage through to worldwide adoption. 

At EScIS we are experts at helping organizations manage their environmental and hydrogeological data.

Our team of scientists and software developers has experience working with environmental and geo-scientific data in contaminated sites, mining, groundwater resources, and compliance.  This expertise provides the foundation on which we build world-class environmental and hydrogeological data solutions.

We provide ESdat configurations that are preconfigured for the needs of specific industries and countries, or we can work with you to implement ESdat for your own business processes and ensure it is optimized for your business and staff needs.

Consulting, Mining, Government, Industrial, and Energy firms in Australia, Canada, the USA, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, South America, and SE Asia use our software and services.

EScIS has the reputation, skills and relationships to ensure our systems deliver for our clients.

With skills in GIS, geology, geophysics, chemistry, environmental science, groundwater, groundwater modelling and risk assessment our staff are highly skilled; understand the science and regulations; and have relationships with other leading experts within industry, laboratories and government.  EScIS has the capability and relationships to ensure that any system delivered will meet our clients requirements.


Contact Us

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